
Living tribute set for Florence American Cemetery

Be the Difference - Never Again will host a living tribute event Oct. 2 at Florence American Cemetery to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Nothern Italian Campaign during World War II. The tribute invites all participants to stand beside the headstone of a service member, creating a poignant moment of reflection. Each participant will receive the name of a specific service member and will be asked to honor their sacrifice by standing beside their grave, a gesture designed to bridge the past and present. The event will include a program with remarks by Eryth Zecher, Florence American Cemetery superintendent; Elizabeth Bettina, Be The Difference co-founder; and Daniela A. Ballard, U.S. Counsel General in Florence; as well as three service member stories read by students.

Approximately 100 students who are studying abroad from Lipscomb University, Harding University and Syracuse University are expected to participate in the event, which is also open to the public. Students participating in the program were given educational materials in advance to research the service members they will honor, offering them an opportunity to reflect on the lives of the service members who were often the same age as the students at the time of their service. 

Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024
Time: 11 a.m. Central European Time
Location: Florence American Cemetery, Via Cassia, SNC, 50023 Impruneta, Italy