Thomas, in a white coat and gloves, works to process the historic poster.

Understanding that pieces of our American heritage were being lost, nearly 50 years ago Congress passed the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, changing the way the U.S.

Using shades of black and gray, the face of a soldier is seen in the canvas.

After a school visit to Rhone American Cemetery, Matéo Cadiergues had been given homework—produce a poem, letter or piece of artwork that explains the price of freedom. As a 16-year-old high school student, Cadiergues produced two paintings that are now on display in the chapel at the cemetery.

Three Marines and a sailor stand next to the granite memorial.

On August 7, 1942 members of the 1st Marine Division and 2nd Marine Regiment made an amphibious landing on the north coast of Guadalcanal, part of the Solomon Islands, in an effort to push-back the Japanese. The Solomon Islands served as a critical geographic objective.

A picture frame,pipe, wallet, pens, a purple heart, a unit patch, and a dog tag are gathered on a countertop.

In late May, an Italian couple from Rome arrived at the Visitor Center at Sicily-Rome American Cemetery with a request. They had discovered a  World War II dog tag belonging to an American soldier by the name of Jerry J. Osterhouse.

Seal reads National Association for Interpretation NAI Media Awards 2016 Professional Awards.

The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) has received three media awards from the National Association for Interpretation for original works created in 2015 by the Office of External Affairs.

Temporary fences cordon off the construction area.

New ramps are being installed at Netherlands American Cemetery to better serve those visitors with mobility impairments.  The work, which began in July 2016, is expected to be complete in early  2017. All parts of the cemetery, including the chapel, remain open during construction.

Eighteen teachers paid a visit to Sicily-Rome American Cemetery yesterday as part the Understanding Sacrifice: World War II in the Mediterranean education program. The teachers, who have been preparing for this field study for nearly a year,  received a guided visit from cemetery staff.

Temporary fences cordon off the construction area.

As the centennial of America's official involvement in World War I approaches, renovation work on the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery Visitor Center continues to progress.

American forces in the Pacific during World War II faced challenges never before experienced by the U.S. military.