In World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, millions of Americans served far from home. In the various conflicts, service members fought in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific. They traversed mountains in Italy, France, Korea and Vietnam.
The normal entrance at Corozal American Cemetery will be closed on November 17 due to maintenance work. Visitors may enter on foot by the side entrance located up the road on Calle Rufina Alfaro. No cars may park inside the cemetery or block the entrance.
In honor of Veterans Day, 18 new World War II lesson plans are being released on the award-winning,
On Veterans Day, November 11, 2016 ABMC sites throughout the world hosted ceremonies to honor our fallen.
In World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, millions of Americans served far from home. In the various conflicts, service members fought in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific. They traversed mountains in Italy, France, Korea and Vietnam.
A major repaving project is underway at the Florence American Cemetery. The cemetery remains open throughout the project, however, access to plot areas will be limited at certain times due to safety concerns.
Less than 700 miles of land separates Paris from Berlin, but more than 6,000 miles of vast, open ocean separates the west coast of the United States from the Philippines.
In Belgium today it can be hard to imagine the brutal fighting that took place during the Great War nearly 100 years ago. But in the city of Waregem, Flanders Field American Cemetery serves as a reminder of America’s role in World War I.
Due to the ongoing renovations at Flanders Field American Cemetery, access to the restrooms and temporary visitor center has changed. These areas are still accessible, however, visitors cannot access them from the main path that runs through the interior of the cemetery.