
Browse photos, videos, interactive websites and apps dedicated to memorializing those who served in the U.S. Armed Forces overseas. Their service, achievements, and sacrifice are illuminated — dive in to learn more.


The Naval Monument at Brest stands on the ramparts of the city overlooking the harbor which was a major base of operations for American naval vessels during the war.
During the summer of 2015, the Naval Monument at Brest underwent robust cleaning and maintenance.
American Armies and Battlefields in Europe: France
The inscription on the Naval Monument at Brest in France.


The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) was established by Congress in 1923 as an independent federal agency to oversee its sacred mission in perpetuity.
More than a half million Americans gave their life during World War I and World War II. They died fighting to protect freedom and democracy around the world. Hear family members remember those they lost, who are buried overseas in North Africa American Cemetery.
On November 11, 1918 an armistice was signed between the Germans and the Allies, ending World War I.
The Naval Monument at Brest Dedication is one of thirteen segments featured in the "America Honors Her Heroes" film. The film is the Official Record of the Dedication Ceremonies in 1937 at the American World War Memorials and Cemeteries in Europe.

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